Kim’s Cat Crusade
Kim’s Cat Crusade provides daily feeding, care and protection to feral stray and abandoned cats in Pinellas County, and the numbers are growing every day.
Through daily care and feeding, Kim’s Cat Crusade also helps keep our communities safe by helping to prevent the spread of disease and by protecting other beautiful wildlife that might be killed by starving cats.
Kim’s Cat Crusade also does outreach to neighborhoods and local governments to help protect these cat communities.
NEW 501(C)(3) Status
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Kim’s Cat Crusade has been in existence for a many years, but it now is growing into a formal nonprofit organization, so it can better serve the hundreds (likely thousands) of uncared for and unsheltered feral, stray and abandoned cats in Pinellas County.
We has recently been approved by the Internal Revenue Service for their 501(C)(3) nonprofit status, and we are now beginning the exciting but challenging tasks of setting up this new organization.